Browse our selection of musing and local birth stories

Breastfeeding Articles

Lauren’s Breastfeeding Story – The Importance of Breastfeeding Support

When I gave birth to my first baby I had no strong preference over how baby was fed, as long as it was fed. However I thought I'd try breastfeeding. I was discharged from hospital and a couple of days later baby was weighed and I got the disappointing news that baby...

Breastfeeding Story – Breastfeeding after a long birth

My first baby is now 8 weeks old and feeds like a champion. Before her arrival I had no particularly strong feelings about how I would feed her, and assumed I would breastfeed her if I could but if for any reason that wasn't possible that was fine too. Her arrival was...

Jade’s Second Birth

In this post I'm sharing one of my own births, which I haven't actually done before, I share snippets with clients and talk about it sometimes, but this is from an email I sent to my hypnobirthing teachers very soon after the birth. Technically I have birth in Angus,...

Laura’s Birth Story – A Positive Aberdeen Maternity Hospital Birth

This was my 1st pregnancy and fortunately fantastic, where my biggest issues were heartburn & sore feet! I had waited three years to fall pregnant naturally and loved being pregnant. I hoped to have a calm and positive birth so attended Jade Gordon’s course at...
Jade’s Second Birth

Jade’s Second Birth

In this post I'm sharing one of my own births, which I haven't actually done before, I share snippets with clients and...